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Re-Thinking In School Suspension

Cognitive-Behavioral Lifeskills Resources to move schools from a punitive discipline approach to a restorative one

Rethinking In-School Suspension_Illustration (1)
For most schools, in-school suspension can be the least restorative space in the building. As school administrators continue to utilize traditional in-school suspension models that are based on punitive consequences, we continue to see other adverse outcomes such as increased dropout rates and decreased enrollments in post-secondary education.
The Education Lifeskills Brief Intervention Courses can help move schools from punitive discipline methods to restorative practices through its bite-sized courses. They are designed to be delivered during a typical in-school suspension period. The courses were created based on ACCI’s 47-year successful track record for developing CBT programming for at-risk individuals. These robust courses, combined with our Lifeskills Link LMS and engagement tools, will empower educators and administrators to address the needs of their students while assisting them in developing positive thinking skills.

Source: Everyone Graduates Center

The HIDDEN Opportunity In Student Discipline

Cognitive Behavioral Brief Intervention Courses

Take the ELS Demo Course

The Opportunity

Schools and Districts can purchase a 15 month license for Brief Intervention Courses. Starting in September of 2022 the Brief Intervention Courses will be included with the Tier 2 - Intervention annual license.

What's included:

Technology Solution

The Lifeskills Link platform provides intelligent insights into each student’s experience. Educators and
Administrators can readily identify how the student is responding to the cognitive-behavioral
intervention and be cued up for meaningful restorative conversations.

The Lifeskills Link platform provides intelligent insights into each student's experience. Educators and Administrators can readily know how the student is responding to the cognitive-behavioral intervention.

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