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Restorative Practices Webinar Series

Connect with industry leaders to become more restorative

Fidel Montero, EdD

Lorem Ipsum

Eliminating Racial Harassment In Our Schools

Webinar Description

Learn about the journey of a large public school district to eliminate racial harassment. Key insights and strategies will be presented that can assist you in addressing and preventing racial and other forms of harassment on each of your campuses.

Topics Covered

  • Racial Harassment
  • Driving District Level Initiatives
  • Creating Healthy Learning Environments
  • Cultural Proficiency
  • Ensuring Alignment


  • September 24th :1130 - 1:00 PM MST
  • Online via Zoom
  • Participant curriculum is provided

Lorem Ipsum

Richard Long, MSW, MEd

Building and Implementing Restorative Interventions

Webinar Description

This webinar will uncover the essential components to building a sustainable restorative practices framework and provide effective strategies for creating and implementing a robust restorative practices model. This work is heavily aligned with PBIS and MTSS. When there is no framework and common understanding, the most effective educational products and tools become ineffective.

Topics Covered

  • Alignment with PBIS
  • Alignment with MTSS
  • Intervention Mindset
  • Essential RP Framework Elements
  • Intervention & Relationship Building


  • September 25th 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM MST
  • Online via Zoom
  • Participant curriculum is provided

Brett Peterson, J.D.

Lorem Ipsum

Navigating Complex Behavior Without Criminalizing

Webinar Description

In this webinar, we will explore significant reforms underway in educational practices, frameworks for reducing exclusionary practices in schools, and how these efforts lead to improved classroom dynamics, student outcomes, and school culture. Together, we will address and discuss the challenge of disruptive behavior in the classroom, and most importantly, educators will come away with models for classroom management and tried strategies for addressing complex youth behavior.

Learning Objectives

  • See the "big picture" of
  • Help participants learn the core research on impacts of justice system involvement
  • Help participants see effective alternatives and models to the justice system

  • September 27th 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM MST
  • Online via Zoom
  • Participant curriculum is provided


Doug Luffborough, III, PhD

Lorem Ipsum

Creating Vibrant School Communities of Belonging

Webinar Description

This webinar explores five ways to develop a “You Belong Here” ethos leading to creating school communities of belonging. If you are committed to reaching ALL of your students and creating a culture where students feel celebrated and not tolerated, this webinar is for you.

Topics Covered

  • Cultivate trusting and naturing student-teacher relationships
  • Display culturally responsive artifacts throughout your school community
  • Create an environment where students and their families are culturally celebrated
  • Demonstrate strategic and intentional culturally belonging hiring practices
  • Develop affinity and interest-based groups for students, teachers and parents


  • September 20th 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM MST
  • Online via Zoom
  • Participant curriculum is provided

Lexi Backstrom, Ed.D., MBA, PPS, LMFT/LPCC

Lorem Ipsum

Prioritizing You! It's the Best Investment You WIll Ever Make!

Webinar Description

As educators and administrators, we don't do a good job of taking care of ourselves. This webinar will help educational professionals develop an effective personal wellness plan and avoid common barriers to achieving wellness in an educational setting.

Topics Covered

  • Educator Wellness
  • Work-Life Balance
  • 8 Dimensions of Wellness
  • Evidence-based Wellness Practices
  • Personal Wellness Plan


  • September 17th 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM MST
  • Online via Zoom
  • Participant curriculum is provided

Brett Garner, MEd

Lorem Ipsum

Eliminating Exclusionary Discipline Practices Once and for All!

Webinar Description

During this session, attendees will be challenged to dismantle archaic mindsets and approaches to school discipline. Through relatable story-telling and practical strategy sharing, attendees will leave with concrete approaches to design a tiered, school-wide intervention response plan rooted in the principles of restorative practices.

Topics Covered

  • Examine, reflect and challenge mindset
  • School-wide tiered approach for student discipline
  • Tips for implementing Cognitive Behavior Programming
  • Strategies for developing accountability and collaboration for better student discipline


  • September 26th 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MST
  • Online via Zoom
  • Participant curriculum is provided